What small thing can tell you a lot about a person ?

I guess we all have our own heuristics for judging someone else’s personality/character. What I use as a shortcut works for me probably because I have a specific set of values I’m looking for.I’ll admit some responses are a little cheekier than others. But I think they all have value. I had a couple of people ask for clarification in the comments. So this is an edited reply.
Do let me know if I can expand on any more?

How frequently do they rearrange their bedroom?
  • This is one of my favorites. And if I could do back in time, this is something I would have figured out before I married my wife. Because she doesn’t know how seriously I want to rearrange our bedroom right now; but she is NOT the person who does that often (if ever within the same room).
  • She’s gonna come back one day and the whole bedroom is gonna be rearranged and there will likely be a fight.
  • I don’t know, call it Adult ADHD; call it a never ending struggle to find the right fit; call it the difference between a free spirit and a fastidious control-freak.
  • But there is something there.
What are they willing to suffer for?
How do they drive? (Do they merge late, trying to cut a bunch of people off?)
What kind of greeting cards do they pick? And how do they pick them?
  • Here’s the thing about greeting cards. If everyone picks the one they think the recipient will like, then there will be a bunch of really boring and similar cards. So, I think everyone should pick a card that reflects the giver, not the receiver.
  • And greeting cards are a nice mirror, because they only reflect positivity. (I’m yet to see a Hallmark with a “Fuck Off” section do very well.
  • Humorous vs. Sentimental.
  • Verbose vs. Pithy.
  • Picture vs. No Picture.
  • Song vs. No Song.
  • There’s a bonus here that can help you figure out what someone thinks of you, just ask them, “hey, can you pick up a card for my friend’s baby shower?”B (Little do they know, you want a funny card…)
How they treat waitstaff.
  • I think many of the other answers address this one.
How they interact with their siblings.
  • This is my anti- “How do they treat waitstaff.”
  • If you want to find out how someone will treat you after years of living together and interacting together, seeing how they treat their siblings is a better indication than how they treated others over whom they have some authority.
  • Do you think the brother who is so insecure he abused his sister is the same guy who would risk confrontation in a public diner? I bet he is timid in with people he doesn’t know well, but potentially abusive with people he knows well.
Their propensity of interrupt others.
Their propensity to complain.
How frequently they get haircuts.
  • For me - I just kind of get a haircut when I feel like it. When it gets too long, it takes a little more time/product to do/wash my hair.
  • But everyone’s threshold is a little different.
  • If you get your haircut more frequently than I do then it either means (1) you are more likely than I am to prioritize looks or (2) you have a lower threshold of discomfort caused by hair that is too long.
Do they wash the bottom of their feet in the shower?
  • Umm… jeez. I hadn’t really thought about it up until now; but it is something I periodically ask people because … well, I may very well be insane.
  • Or… it’s just kind of a fun conversation to have. Like, the person who does NOT wash the bottom of their feet in the shower usually says, “well, the water and soap are trickling down…” or “the bottom of the bath has water and soap, so stepping in it is basically the same thing…”
  • What I find fascinating is the incredible competition of emotions that arise from the foot-bottom-washers — usually utter disgust — versus the non-washers — either confusion or defensiveness.
  • Me? Whether or not I wash the bottom of my feet totally depends on my mood. But I’d say I DO NOT about 75% of the time. Maybe my feet were particularly dirty that day … like I was wearing sandals. But most of the time I just don’t feel like it.
How readily do they medicate?
  • Meaning how quickly do they reach for Ibuprofen when they have a headache? How many days of a cold do you wait before doing to the doctor?
  • To be honest, I don’t really notice when pain relievers “kick in.” So I think most people (including myself) who take it as sort of “placebo effect seekers.” But sometimes my pain is bad enough, that, “what the hell? Even if it’s a placebo, perception is everything…”
  • In general, I think it’s wise to primarily rely on your body, then seek intervention only when you don’t expect your body can handle something alone or if you need to suppress the symptoms.
  • Other people have different thresholds of what they are willing to endure before seeking outside help.
Do they collect anything? What?
Do they look at a menu before ordering at a diner?
  • Classic one here. I think it also applies to Chinese takeout. (Or anywhere you know what the menu will be ahead of time.)
  • Why look at the menu when you have all the information?
  • Personally, I get a burger probably 25% of the time. Medium heat, Lettuce, Tomato, Raw Onion, No Cheese, and Ketchup on the Side. Occasionally I’ll say “No Pickle” because, while I like the taste of a pickle and don’t mind if some of the juice seeps every to slightly onto the edge of my bun, I rarely eat the pickle, and I don’t want to waste the food. (I will ask if anyone else would like the pickle though, and I will get it if someone else plans to eat it.)
  • The other 75% of the time might I’ll look at the menu. For example, “Lemme just make sure they have Tuna Salad. Not every place does; and I don’t want to seem like the guy who wants to order off the menu.”
  • But sometimes I’m ok with being seen at the guy who just knows himself well enough to order without any aid. So I decide I’m not going to bother looking at the menu and just ask the waitress. (Besides, the interaction with the waitress suddenly feels a little more personal in a, “hey, I’m a diner person too, by the way” (whatever that means.)
  • Bonus: Do they have regular cycles for their food. (Eggs every day? PIzza once a week? Chicken salad every Tuesday and Thursday for lunch?).
How frequently do they change their profile picture?
Birth order.
Do they snooze? How many times?

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